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Wakkerstroom is about a three-and-a-half-hour drive from Johannesburg.
A GPS will generally direct you via the N17 toll road and Leandra.
The road from Leandra to Standerton has pot holes and can be very dangerous.
Route option 1:
1. Take the N3 to Durban
2. Take the N17 off-ramp to Bethal
3. From Bethal, 2km after the 9th stop street, take the Amersfoort/Volksrust turn off to the right. It is 32 km to Morgenzon, 44km to Amersfoort and 40km to Volksrust.
4. From Volksrust take a left onto the R543 (De Kock Road)
5. Now you are on the road to Wakkerstroom
6. About 27km further past the ‘The Mucky Duck’ on your left
Route option 2:
Another route recently driven with only a few slow downs, where they work on the roads is:
- From Pretoria or Johannesburg, take the route to Heidelberg
- Take the R23 to Standerton
- Continue on the R23 to Volksrust
- Take the R543 to Wakkerstroom
- About 27km further past the ‘The Mucky Duck’ on your left
you have arrived in Wakkerstroom, W E L C O M E !
The below map can be downloaded in PDF by following this link -> PDF of MAP <-