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Wakkerstroom is about a three-and-a-half-hour drive from Johannesburg.

A GPS will generally direct you via the N17 toll road and Leandra.
The road from Leandra to Standerton has pot holes and can be very dangerous.

Route option 1:

1. Take the N3 to Durban
2. Take the N17 off-ramp to Bethal
3. From Bethal, 2km after the 9th stop street, take the Amersfoort/Volksrust turn off to the right. It is 32 km to Morgenzon, 44km to Amersfoort and 40km to Volksrust.
4. From Volksrust take a left onto the R543 (De Kock Road)
5. Now you are on the road to Wakkerstroom
6. About 27km further past the ‘The Mucky Duck’ on your left

Route option 2:

Another route recently driven with only a few slow downs, where they work on the roads is:

  1. From Pretoria or Johannesburg, take the route to Heidelberg
  2. Take the R23 to Standerton
  3. Continue on the R23 to Volksrust
  4. Take the R543 to Wakkerstroom
  5. About 27km further past the ‘The Mucky Duck’ on your left

you have arrived in Wakkerstroom, W E L C O M E !



The below map can be downloaded in PDF by following this link -> PDF of MAP <-